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Introducing Ramshackle Games, a Independant model and game shop which has rugged vehicles and parts, suitable for the Orks! Check out their website and online store. Here are some samples of some Orkified vehicles...


OAny new or old Ork players should look for Master Ein for Ork inspiration. His blog at shows his very detailed and good looking Ork units. Just check out some of his marvellous work!


"A couple of things going on here soon in the life of the waaagh. First up is Baltimore Games Day! We need some good solid boyz to show up and put on a good thumpin' to the beakie boyz over at the Bolter and Chainsword. If you are going to games day, you do not want to miss this WAAAGH!"


Most of us paint our Orks and wat not in your favourite klan colors. But what if we had multiple klans in your waaagh?


Holy crap, seems like ForgeWorld likes Orks! They never release enough of 'em, which is good fer us!

Ork Affiliationz


Kult of Speed

The Kult of Speed is an Ork affiliation. Its members are Speed Freeks, Orks obsessed with and addicted to speed. Although most Orks prefer slaughter and explosions, some become addicted to driving really fast. 

These crazy individuals band together in their own mobs and warbands, full of War Buggies, Warbikes and Wartrukks. Most vehicles are painted red as, according to Orky superstition, "Da red wunz go fasta!" 

They rely on Mekboyz to build and maintain their vehicles, and sometimes a warband is even led by a Big Mek instead of a Warboss. The obsession with speed can affect any Ork - so it is possible to find Orks from different Clans in a Speed Freek force. Of all the Clans the Evil Sunz have the most Speed Freeks. 

Source : Lexicanum

Feral Orks

Feral Orks appear after a Waaagh has passed through a planet. While most Orks leave with their Warboss to find more warfare, some Ork spores are left behind on these worlds. If the spores manage to survive in harsh environments, they will then grow into Feral Ork tribes. Unlike most Orks, who favor close combat, Feral Orks are better at shooting. This is because, to survive, Feral Orks band together and point as many guns as possible at hostile creatures. These Orks make use of crude technology and employ boars, traps, and massive Squiggoths in attacks.

Feral Ork Structure

The Feral Ork Structure is full of cheap, expendable Orks armed with very basic technology, although often their sheer numbers are sufficient to overcome a foe. Their army list is analysed in the Feral Ork Structure.

Feral Ork Armoury

The Feral Ork Armoury contains various pieces of equipment to enhance and upgrade the Feral Ork leaders, including war paint and boar mounts. These are analysed in the Feral Ork Armoury.

Source : Lexicanum


Freebooterz are orks who have chosen to separate themselves from their clan, and go off to live the life of a pirate and a mercenary. These orks fly around the galaxy in Killkroozaz, spacecraft armed to the teeth with gunz and rather menacing looking to boot.

Freebooterz are content to pillage, loot, and plunder where and when they see fit, i.e. most anywhere. Many Flash Gitz who aquire too many teeth for even their Flash Git bretheren (a feat to be respected!) may often become Freebooterz and go off to terrorize the galaxy elsewhere.

Source: Lexicanum

Notable Characters

Unaffiliated Characters

Da Other Mekanized Lists:


*Unofficial fan made codexes are from

Ork Klans : Snakebites


The Snakebites are an Ork clan who prefer tradition to technology, shunning things like forcefields and vehicles in favor of protecting themselves with war paint and riding into battle on huge boars. Depending on how fundamental they are, they may remain as Feral Orks even after their civilization can advance to the next stage. Snakebites' symbol is the venomous serpent, and they always take some along so they can have initiation rituals where Orks endure being bitten. 

Zodgrod Wortsnagga was a notable Snakebite before his expulsion from Ugulhards 'Chargerz'

Source : Lexicanum

Notable Characters
Fanmade Codex

Ork Klans : Goffz


The Goffs/z are an Ork clan and are the toughest and most brutal orks, roughly equivalent to Warhammer Fantasy Black Orcs. They value close combat above all else, and have a large proportion of veteran Skarboyz.

Goffs dress mostly in black, with some white or red checks for relief, as they see bright colors as being un-Orky. Gretchin and younger orks (yoof) who have yet to prove themselves in battle are prohibited from wearing black clothes, but are allowed to cover their faces with black paint.

Their symbol is the black bull's head, and Nobz almost always wear Big Horns on their helmets. The infamous Ghazghkull Thraka is a member of this clan.

Source : Lexicanum

Notable Characters
Fanmade Codex

Ork Klans : Evil Sunz

Evil Sunz
The Evil Sunz love loud, rumbling engines, the smell of gasoline, and above all, going as fast as Orkily possible - arguably even more than splitting heads (Of course, going as fast as Orkily possible while splitting heads is a dream fulfilled). Usually, an Evil Sunz band will consist almost entirely of Speed Kult members. Even warbands that haven't given completely over to their love of speed will often have many bikes or vehicles in their force. 

The clan also contains more Mekboyz than most, and therefore they often field more mechanical creations than other clanz. What little footsloggers they do have are saving up their teeth for a good bike, or perhaps a group of Ork mates are pooling in for a flash truck. Their symbol is a red sun with a grimacing face, often with yellow or orange flames. The Evil Sunz symbol is also found in Warhammer Fantasy. Most vehicles of the Evil Sunz are painted red with flames down the side to tie in with their main belief that "Da red wunz go fasta!" 

Often, the Evil Sunz are envied by the slogging footboyz of other klanz for their ability to get into the battle quickly, especially the highly mobile Trukkers, who charge into the fray aboard a large and shoddy Wartrukk that is poorly armored but blindingly fast, as well as having big shootas. 

Warbikers in this klan are the best of all the other Orky bikers, often refitting their hull-mounted dakkagunz with menacing mega-blastaz. Their horridly crude engines deliver a sicking plume of smoke wherever they travel, granting them cover. Wazdakka Gutsmek, a renowned Ork biker, is from the Evil Sunz klan.

Notable Characters

Source : Lexicanum

Fanmade Codex

Ork Klans : Deffskullz

The Deathskulls/Deffskullz are an Ork clan of looters who grab whatever they can from corpses on the battlefield, although they aren't above taking things from other Orks who aren't watching. They collect anything that might be useful, as well as various lucky trinkets and charms, and even junk and whats-its that "might come in 'andy later". Deathskulls would make capable scientists and excellent engineers if their fascination for new things lasted longer than the time it took to steal them. 

They are superstitious even for Orks, and often paint themselves blue (which Orks feel is a lucky color) to protect themselves from harm. Meks play an integral part of Deathskull society, because it is they who build guns, tanks, and all other manner of wargear out of the bits and gubbins found on the battlefield by their less technologically inclined brethren. Many Lootas are affiliated with the Deathskulls clan who, being a dangerous band of grubby-fisted thieves, welcome their Loota brethren with open arms. Quite a few Lootas are actually Deathskulls, and to this affect they will fight for their warband alongside their lighter-armed, blue-slathered brethren. 

It is not uncommon to find looted vehicles in Death Skull armies, such as Chimeras and Rhinos. In larger or longer engagements, Leman Russes, Predators, even Land Raiders and Baneblades will be rebuilt, Orked up, and sent back into the fray to wage war on those they once served. Deathskulls have a beef with Tankbustas because their method of waging war "ruins a perfektly good tank dat could be shootin' fer us wiv a little tweakin'" Their symbol is the horned skull.

Source : Lexicanum

Fanmade Codex (

Ork Klans : Blood Axes

Blood Axes
The Blood Axes are an Ork clan and were the first to encounter the Imperium. During their exposure and battles they picked up many human tactics, such as using camouflage (although often it is too bright to actually disguise the Ork) and retreating when they're losing. 

They trade with humans for equipment and vehicles, and have even worked as mercenaries for the Imperium at times (such as the Battle at Big Toof River). All of these things lead followers of other clans to brand them as dangerously treacherous, cowardly, and downright un-Orky. Most Blood Axes are back-stabbing Kommandos. Their clan symbol is two crossed axes. 

Source : Lexicanum

Fanmade Codex 

Ork Klans : Bad Moonz

Bad Moonz
The Bad Moons are an Ork clan, and as their teeth grow faster than anyone else's, they are the richest of the Ork Clans (this shows that, at least in one case, clan affiliation can have a physical effect). This is not considered an unfair advantage, because other Clans figure that they can always bash a Bad Moon Ork over the head and take his teef (teeth). 

They trade with other Orks to get the biggest guns, the flashiest gear, and the best food, but are not as concerned with close combat as other orks. They have been noted to have a greater proportion of Wyrdboyz than other clans, but they still do not appear past the Feral Ork stage. The signature mob of the Bad Moons are the Flash Gitz, Orks with devastating Kustom Shootas. Their symbols consist of yellow crescent moons and black flames. 

Notable characters 
Source : Lexicanum
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July 28s, 2010
* Added articles and rearranging the Ork Tactica page.
July 27, 2010
* Added article to the Ork Tactica page.
* Added new link to the Orky Linkz page.
July 13, 2010
* Added new stuff to the Waaagh Resources page.
* Added new links to Orky Links page.
July 6, 2010
* Added article to the Ork Tactica page.


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