Games Workshop Tactica
Ork Tactics
Armies of Warhammer 40,000 New Edition Tactics
Warhammer 40,000: Assault Tactica
Warhammer 40,000: Tank Hunting Tactica
Warhammer 40,000: Tank Tactics Part 1
Ghazghkull Thraka Tactica
Orks Character Focus (Boss Snikrot and Boss Zagstruk Tactica)
The Orky Fort's Tactica
Orks Tactica : Clobbering Eldar Nightspinners
Orks Tactica : Clobbering Land Raiders
Orks Tactica : Balancing Choppy and Dakka
Blood of
Ork Defense Force : Strategizing Orks
Ork Defense Force : Those without a Ride
Orks Defense Force : Versus Assaulty Infantry
Orks Defense Force : Deployment
Target Priority
Intereovivo explains why picking targets in battle is important.
"For example, you have 6 all differently armed Nobs. You suffer 6 wounds with no saves. Normally you would lose the half straight away. With wound allocation you could put one wound on each Nob and lose none".
GB’s Army Guide: Grots
GB’s Army Guide: Trukks
GB’s Army Guide: more dakka!
GB’s Army Guide: Boyz
Libarium Online
Terrain and Deployment Tactica
Article on how to use terrain and deployment to your advantage
Cerebral Assasin
Article on how to read your opponent's tactics and core unit, and taking the game to them
The Tank Shock
Article about tank shocking, which our Battlewagons always do. :D
Bells of Lost Souls
40k Tactics Doubling up
General article about team battle in WH40k. There is also the second part of the article here.
40k Tactics Metagame, Expect the Unexepected
Article on how you can get some advantage on other gamers using unexpected squads
Other sources
Waaagh Forums : Oddballz Ork Tactica
Oddballz from the Waagh forums also did a good analysis on all the units in the latest Ork codex.
An article from Loki which explains about vehicle's weaknesses/disadvantages so you can actually take advantage of them when the opponent fields too man of them.
Warhammer Forums : Armies of 40k, Strength and Weaknesses
A compilation of various armies describing their strength and weaknesses. Get more knowledge on other armies, so you know how they play on the field and deal with them accordingly.