Tuesday, January 07, 2025

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Introducing Ramshackle Games, a Independant model and game shop which has rugged vehicles and parts, suitable for the Orks! Check out their website and online store. Here are some samples of some Orkified vehicles...


OAny new or old Ork players should look for Master Ein for Ork inspiration. His blog at The-Warforge.com shows his very detailed and good looking Ork units. Just check out some of his marvellous work!


"A couple of things going on here soon in the life of the waaagh. First up is Baltimore Games Day! We need some good solid boyz to show up and put on a good thumpin' to the beakie boyz over at the Bolter and Chainsword. If you are going to games day, you do not want to miss this WAAAGH!"


Most of us paint our Orks and wat not in your favourite klan colors. But what if we had multiple klans in your waaagh?


Holy crap, seems like ForgeWorld likes Orks! They never release enough of 'em, which is good fer us!

Orks Taktika

Tactics, knowledge and tips on how to improve your game. Remember though, everybody has their own opinions and different enemies require different approach to the game. I've compiled lots of Orks taktika useful for new and old players alike to krump da enemy!

Good compilation of articles and reads including tacticas, fluff, and even battle reports. Check it out!

Games Workshop Tactica
Ork Tactics 
Armies of Warhammer 40,000 New Edition Tactics
Warhammer 40,000: Assault Tactica
Warhammer 40,000: Tank Hunting Tactica
Warhammer 40,000: Tank Tactics Part 1
Ghazghkull Thraka Tactica
Orks Character Focus (Boss Snikrot and Boss Zagstruk Tactica)

The Orky Fort's Tactica
Orks Tactica : Clobbering Eldar Nightspinners
Orks Tactica : Clobbering Land Raiders
Orks Tactica : Balancing Choppy and Dakka

Blood of Kittens.com
Ork Defense Force : Strategizing Orks
Ork Defense Force : Those without a Ride
Orks Defense Force : Versus Assaulty Infantry
Orks Defense Force : Deployment

Heresy Online
More good Ork reads from Heresy Online stressing on the builds of your Ork army.

Good article with pictures on how to take advantage of the 5th edition rules to assault 2 units. There is also a part 2 here.

Target Priority
Intereovivo explains why picking targets in battle is important.

Great article from Wolf_Lord_Skol where he mentions about using the "Complex Unit" rules on the new codex to allocate wounds amoung your units. An Important Summary from the article :
"For example, you have 6 all differently armed Nobs. You suffer 6 wounds with no saves. Normally you would lose the half straight away. With wound allocation you could put one wound on each Nob and lose none".
Goatronium Blog
GB’s Army Guide: Grots
GB’s Army Guide: Trukks
GB’s Army Guide: more dakka!
GB’s Army Guide: Boyz

Libarium Online
This is a list of all the Orky related tactica and observations within the You're Better Off With Grots! series by Mynameisgrax.

Rozzy and Mynameisgrax from Librarium Online compiles all the basic list of suggestions they discussed in the forums. Nice pointers for any new or old Ork fellow.

Terrain and Deployment Tactica
Article on how to use terrain and deployment to your advantage

Cerebral Assasin
Article on how to read your opponent's tactics and core unit, and taking the game to them

The Tank Shock
Article about tank shocking, which our Battlewagons always do. :D

Bells of Lost Souls
40k Tactics Doubling up
General article about team battle in WH40k. There is also the second part of the article here.

40k Tactics Metagame, Expect the Unexepected
Article on how you can get some advantage on other gamers using unexpected squads

Other sources
Not really a tactica, but just basic rules that you can apply on 40k and other tabletop war games as well.

My Battalion : 40k List Building 101
General 40k steps to build a themed and effective list

Waaagh Forums : Oddballz Ork Tactica
Oddballz from the Waagh forums also did a good analysis on all the units in the latest Ork codex.  

Good advice from a local gamer. You can try his style of fitting 15 burnas in your battlewagon. :P

Ork Boot Kamp with loads of articles, armies, and battle reports.
Chumbalaya from bnhblog.blogspot.com is good in accessing the Waaagh rule and assaulting type of ork build. He also write a couple of other army lists which you can check out too. He's also written a bunch of good information about dealing with Space Wolves HQ , and gear and uncovers their abilities and stuff.   

Fritz from saimhann.blogspot.com takes a deep look in Combat Patrol rules and important steps on how to win on a 4 x 4 table, 400 points game. Combat Patrol is usually played to introduce beginners to the game, and you can use these steps to show people that you do your homework before playing :P  

Rites of Battle : From Mech to Wreck
An article from Loki which explains about vehicle's weaknesses/disadvantages so you can actually take advantage of them when the opponent fields too man of them.

Warhammer Forums : Armies of 40k, Strength and Weaknesses
A compilation of various armies describing their strength and weaknesses. Get more knowledge on other armies, so you know how they play on the field and deal with them accordingly.
Tactics, knowledge and tips on how to improve your game. Remember though, everybody has their own opinions and different enemies require different approach to the game. I've compiled lots of Orks taktika useful for new and old players alike to krump da enemy! Tau Online Forums...

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July 28s, 2010
* Added articles and rearranging the Ork Tactica page.
July 27, 2010
* Added article to the Ork Tactica page.
* Added new link to the Orky Linkz page.
July 13, 2010
* Added new stuff to the Waaagh Resources page.
* Added new links to Orky Links page.
July 6, 2010
* Added article to the Ork Tactica page.


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