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Introducing Ramshackle Games, a Independant model and game shop which has rugged vehicles and parts, suitable for the Orks! Check out their website and online store. Here are some samples of some Orkified vehicles...


OAny new or old Ork players should look for Master Ein for Ork inspiration. His blog at shows his very detailed and good looking Ork units. Just check out some of his marvellous work!


"A couple of things going on here soon in the life of the waaagh. First up is Baltimore Games Day! We need some good solid boyz to show up and put on a good thumpin' to the beakie boyz over at the Bolter and Chainsword. If you are going to games day, you do not want to miss this WAAAGH!"


Most of us paint our Orks and wat not in your favourite klan colors. But what if we had multiple klans in your waaagh?


Holy crap, seems like ForgeWorld likes Orks! They never release enough of 'em, which is good fer us!

Things to bring for your Waaagh!

I'm sure some of you forget stuff to bring to your local competitions. Some people just don't bother with the details and just bring their army along without anything else, and don't have a good time playing. Here's a list of to-do things and prepare before going to your LGS to play a regular game or even a competition.

1. A readable and detailed Army List

   The army list is probably one of the most important stuff to bring to any 40k game! Some people just write a rather difficult handwriting to read, rather disorganized list, or not completing/writing a list at all. If you think your handwriting is bad or you don't like writing, stick to the simple MS Excel worksheet, or download a ready made ones by Pit of the Oni's (pdf) or Alice40k's (excel) . If you had cash and like to use the best army list builder, you can get the Army Builder software from Lone Wolf Development. You could even add in extra stuff like listing down the abilities of your key/complex units below your Army List(or at least a page reference to your codex/rulebook). 

2. Reference sheets, guides and charts

   Many players overlooked this, but reference sheets are actually more important than you think. Less time referring to your codex and less asking stuff from your opponents means more time for gaming/beer/snacks/chat/toilet break. Less flipping on your codex/rulebook also ensures they are in better shape! Books don't look good if you constantly flip through it time and time again and players usually does it quickly while playing the game. You can get a nicely done 5th edition reference sheet here and the Ork's reference sheet here. To make it even faster, you can highlight the parts you think you field and will refer more of, like highlighting Deffgunz profile if you're using lootas, and highlighting the Ork Boyz' WS4 on the To Hit Chart and S3/4 on the To Wound Chart.

   There are other nice alternatives as well which can greatly boost the speed of the game as well, such as the 5th Edition Battle Matrix and the 5th Edition Armour Guide (for those mech heavy armies). Check out more of those in the Waaagh Resources page. To save up paper and  you can compile and file all of those in a nice binder/file or even laminate all your reference sheets. If you want which army is your opponent going to field, you could take one step further and print his army's reference sheet for both of your convenience.

3. FAQs

   This is also rather important as sometimes games can go a little bit long over arguing about stuff that is already FAQ'd or decided by other gamers. In fact, arguing about rules and abilities is one of the main reasons why some people hate wargaming in general (cause I've asked those who didn't want play). 

So get yourself FAQs from the GW website, and the very reliable Dakka Dakka's INAT FAQ 4.0 here which is used in tournaments. Getting the-waaagh's FAQ here won't hurt as well, as it does addresses some important issues. You may not need to print out the whole hundred pages of the INAT FAQ, just print the ones that you will use to clarify with your opponent. 

As mentioned in the reference sheet part earlier, you can properly compile all the necessary stuff for your army, highlight them to your liking, and even print out your opponent's race FAQ for less bickering. You could even go the electronic way and keep those files in your pocket pc, or your handphone/electronic device of some sort (if it supports PDF).

4. Army Movement Tray

This option is good if you play more than one game in a regular gaming night/evening, but it is crucial in tournaments. Putting your army in a tray for easier transportation among tables cuts the time wasting and not make people wait for you. Loading your armies to your case and unloading them to the other table is gonna make people yawn to kingdom come. Most tournaments have limited time, so don't make others wait too long for you.

Any Tray will do for your army, even drink/food trays. If you want to look cool, you can DIY your own tray by build, paint, magnetize and your own tray that suits the theme of your army. If you don't have time for those and prefer spending some cash, consider buying pre-made good looking ones like this one or this one. Just get one that is sturdy enough to carry your army.

5. Waaagh Rations/Food! 

Couldn't guess it eh? In the real war, rations can effect the morale and energy of an army. I know we're just playin' with plastic toys here, but a hungry or thirsty person won't think or act normally and even if he does, he does it in a slower pace. Hunger leads to frustration, anger and mistakes. A game of 40k usually lasts about 1 1/2 - 2 hours or more so you need some energy to keep yourself going.

Portable foods/drinks like sandwiches, bread/s, biscuits/crackers and a bottle of water will do. The least you can do is keep your stomach full by having a meal before going to a game in your local store. Of course, this option can be ignored if you're playing at a friend's house where they have prepared stuff for you to chew/drink on. :P

6. Your Friendly Smile

This game is about fun with friends, or make new friends in your local game store. Go ahead! Smile, laugh and  have a good time. Losing is a part of the game and everybody does lose once in a while. WH40k depends rather heavily on dice rolls and don't fret or whine if you lose.

But remember : Don't laugh at your opponent's mistake as you may piss him off! Everybody does silly errors once in a while and if your opponent is a new to the game, just give him pointers and advice with a smile. Be nice to newbies and even old-timers alike. Friends is always better then enemies and heck, you never know when your WH40k buddies can help you out in life.

You have any stuff to share bout what should ya bring along with yer waaagh? :)

New Apocalypse Data Sheets

New Apocalypse data sheets are released by GW! Orks have their own Dread-Mob datasheet where you can download here. Eldar panzees and humies have their own one as well.

The better news is our datasheet is really a competitive one! We'z all know our KFF is a great tool to protect our stuff, and now da Mek mounted it on a Da big 'Dred in the datasheet. This KFF has an expanded range of 12" instead of the usual 6", where any walker at least partially within 12" of Da Big Dred counts as being an obscured target. Our cheap Killa Kanz have 50% chance to repel almost any sort of gunz now. All walkers also have free grot riggas in them. Now dat's pretty!
Nasty Big Dred Dethklanka with KFF

Speaking of Apocalypse, there is a good article in the GW website where it teaches you how to create your own datasheet and models for your Apocalypse game. You can get the empty datasheet here, where you can fill up your own datasheet for your waaagh. 

There are many more Apocalypse articles and datasheets in GW and I have compiled and listed all of it here. Big Waaagh alwiyz give me adrenaline to bash up some 'eads! WAAAAGHHH!!

Want an easy way to get a good looking Freeboota Orks/Flash Gitz?

A nice looking Freeboota Flashgitz from Hellbrandt Grimm

If ya like Pirate Orks, liked the new Kaptinn Badrukk model but don't know where to start? You came at the right moment. After some searchin' around the Internet I'z found some interesting stuff : There is custom resin made Pirate Ork heads and bodies made to sell!

Both of them are from different shops, so you havta' get them seperately. Nob-sized pirate bodies are readily available in the Microart Studio shop and nice looking Pirate Ork heads are available in MaxMini. Alternatively MaxMini also have smaller heads for da Pirate boyz here.

So lets get to the cost of getting five Pirate heads and bodies

Pirate Bodies x 5 = 9.76 euro
Pirate Heads x 5 = 4.80 euro
Total = 14.56 euro

So thats about 17 -20 euro (USD 21.00- 24.60) with shipping. Rememba that you need Nob hands and weapons too. If you want to model them as Nobz, then you could easily get the choppa/slugga/Power Klaw bits from the plastic Nobz set. Metal may do too, with some pinning for safety. If you want to model them as Flash Gitz instead, you could bash up bits of gunz together from GW (IG models have plenty of gunz), Forge World, MaxMini, or any other custom miniature resin shop. If you're tight on budget, the cheapest way is to cut and tie up two regular shootas together.

If you're wondering about the size of the pirate bodies, My War Game website has a shot comparison of the bodies compared to a Nob. Here is what you'll get from Microart studios :

And here's the comparison of it to a Nob:

As reviewed by them, it is worth taking note that you need greenstuff/putty to stick the arms properly to the body for more dynamic poses, and careful on removing the block of resin stuck on the feed as it may break the feet off.

Hellbrandt Grimm from the Warseer forums have some good examples of his finished Freeboota Flashgitz here.

Here are his WIP pictures and completed ones:

Looks pretty nifty huh? Enough motivation for ya to start your own Pirate Waaagh now?

New Forgeworld Ork Meka Dread out!

Just when I thought the Ork wave from Forgeworld is over for comes another one!

Forge World is sure trying it's best to push the sales of Imperial Armour 8 with awesome looking models in the book. Damn you FW!

Presenting...Da New Meka Dread!

Description from da Meka Dread body from Forge World :

These modified Mega Dreads replace the big shootas with multiple tool-equipped servo-arms for battlefield 'fixins'.

The Meka Dread Body is also supplied with a Big Mek pilot, holding the 'complex' Kontrol system of this unique war machine. Complete resin kit, arms shown for illustration purposes only and are sold separately. Model designed by Phil Stutcinskas, crew model designed by Mark Bedford.

Desciption of the Shunta Arm :

An outlandish experimental energy-hungry weapon, the Shunta is a compact magneto-gravitic 'traktor' gun. Similar to the Lifta-Droppa it can hurl a bubble of energy that smashes targets aside like a giant hammer. Complete resin kit for the Ork Meka Dread. Model designed by Phil Stutcinskas.

And the description of the Kil Saw Arm :

Huge saw-blade arms are often seen on Mega Dreads. Their pilots love seeing them rip through even the strongest of armour. Compete resin kit for the Ork Mega or Meka dreads. Model designed by Phil Stutcinskas.

The body set of the Meka Dread is priced at £35.00 (~USD 51.80). The inclusion of a Big Mek pilot is sure a good bonus...  :P

Basically the legs are the same as the previous Mega Dread from Forgeworld, it's just the upper body and both hands are new. The Shunta Arm and Kil Saw Arm are priced at £18.00 (~USD 26.60) and £16.00 (~USD 23.70) respectively. The Meka Dread body and both new arms are interchangable with the previous Mega Dread and it's Kil Kannon and Rippa Klaw Arm.

I like both the newer Arms over the older ones, but the older Mega Dread does look a bit more menacing than this new one with its huge gob jaws.

So in total, to get the whole Meka Dread runnin' you need to spend £69.00 (~USD 103.60).

I might consider getting this in the future if it's in the new Ork codex...please let this and the Grot Tankz be in!

Awesome Ork pictures from

The Emperor is looted by the Orks. Are you bad enough dude to rescue the Emperor?

I browsed through and saw some pretty nifty Ork pictures custom made by the artists there. Good to know there are lots of artists who like Orks! The example above is one of the best ones. All credit goes to the original artist (all artists name are at the end of the picture name)

Get yer pens and start drawing now git! ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS~

40k Kart

Check out more at deviantart. Just type in "Orks 40k" in the search box. These pictures are some of the reasons why Green is BESSHT!! :D

Orks Tactica : Balancing Choppy and Dakka

It is well known that we Orkz are fighter and tough in melee. Our usual setup of 19-29 units of boyz with a PK Nob is dead 'ard for its point cost and send shivers to all races, even to those fighty ones. With the sheer number of Ork boyz, we could force units to check for their morale...even though we strike last.

But not anymore with the 5th edition where number of wounds determines who the winner is. So in short, 5th edition favors tough units instead of numbers in melee. If your PK nob misses lots of his attacks and your regular boyz attacks are saved by their armor, it won't look good as you may get more wounds than your opponent's unit...thus making you lose the fight and checking for leadership. Plus beakie marinez are ever so sneaky with their ATSKNF and Combat Tactics rule.

 A nasty looking 'nid Swarmlord by aerzaal

Not to mention the current meta-game codexes are very tough and hard hitting (SW, BA, Melee based SM, Melee based Chaos, Tyranid Swarmlord or other tough monters/HQs), or even cheesy psychic powers/weapons that make our Ork Boyz look like weak runty Grotz before we can reach them with our choppas (Jaws of the WW, Night Spinner, etc.). Even though we have bonuses if we charge first, it doesn't mean we're invincible. Heck, it gets even worse if we get charged in assault. :(

We'z can't go all out choppa against these guys. WE'Z NEED MORE DAKKA. We can't just rush in and waste our boyz and force leadership test just like dat. Troops are the ONLY scoring unit in 5th edition as well, so your boyz might be more valuable than your toyz and it is important that at least a few squads of them stay alive. Yes, you may think Ork's BS 2 is not suitable to dakka up stuff but rememba...we have superior number of attacks on our gunz compared to most of other races. Which other races has access to cheap Assault 2 Shootas (on 6 pointer Boyz) and Assault 3 Big Shootas? (Just add another 5 points!) Its da number of dakka that other people are afraid of!

Adding some burny burna and skorcha weaponz to your squad won't hurt as well, for templates can hit multiple units at once, ignore cover and its auto hit! Good for the low BS of Orks. It's not easy to go all out melee now, as we may get bashed by those damn beakies (who are good at both shooty and melee) before we even close in.

The bosspole is ever so necesarry now due to our bad leadership. But, remember that the bosspole doesn't automatically pass your leadership just increases the chance of your Orks to stay in battle. Thats why most pro Ork players nowdays stick to Shootas instead of Sluggas for you can potentially thin out the enemy before you head for a melee fight. In 4th edition, shoota are bad cause they are rapid fire weapons, but now assault 2 is the one that makes it very versatile. You can shoot while charging or shoot while retreating (baiting taktiks?).

Most Ork players also field Lootas due to their extreme dakkaness and high strength to dakka off irritating skimmers which are not easy to hit in melee/tank shock. Plus, it can pop other light transports/vehicles like beakie Rhinos, heavy infantries (even terminators), and monstrous creatures might take some wounds before you can close in for the kill. If you make lootas as your main source of killin', then it maybe good if you attach them with a Big Mek w/bosspole to keep them longer on the table. 

Great looking custom Grotzooka Killa Kanz from Irondog Studios

If you don't like to field lootas or you have better ideas for your Elites slot, you can also try Killa Kanz with grotzookas. They are equally very dakka as well, as they are cheap and can plant 2 blast templates each from killa kan. Alternatively you can just put Big Shootas on your Killa Kanz if you are tight on points.

Speaking of Big Shootas, remember to put them as much as you can, especially on your vehicles. They are cheap, they can take potshots at targets, and maybe useful to prevent your vehicle to get immobilized from the lack of weapons (weapons destroyed counts as immobilized if there isn't any weapon left on the vehicle). 

You can try the burny way as I mentioned earlier as well. Large mobs of burnas are difficult to navigate on foot, and they'll probably get shot in the open or running away for their lives due to the fact that they naturally don't have a Nob. So to make them proppa and burnin' humies, you can either mount burnas on vehicles such as trukks, Looted wagons and Battlewagons for speed and shooting templates easier in an open topped vehicle (hurrah!), or march them behind a Dread/Kan Wall. You may even upgrade one of the burnas to Meks so they can repair your Wagons/Kanz/Dreads too. 

Another way to sneak in burnas as soon as possible to the enemy backlines is by using Kommandoes. Snikrot makes them reliably available from any table edge, so you can burn up some stuff and locking them nasty hitters in combat for at least a turn or so. You can keep them to a minimum amount to save points, since your kommandoes can only carry 2 burnas. 

If you are interested in the bigga burna a.k.a the Skorcha, you could try Deffdread w/ Skorchas or Skorcha Trakks. But be warned that their survivability isn't that good, and you may need to position them proppa and hit them at the right moment to make full use of it. A Big Mek w/ KFF is very useful to keep them alive if you plan to field any of the above burny stuff. For just a small cost, it maybe good to have a skorcha kombi weapon on your Warboss or Nobz.

Just remember not to dakka/burn too many targets till you can't assault 'em! Thats why it is crucial to keep your Waaagh! charge for these scenarios.

So if ya wanna win games competitively, I feel that we'z need a balance of dakka and choppy. But of course, don't forget your anti-tank weaponz as well, so Power Klaws are still a must for any type of Ork army. If you want to surprise the opponent, you can field an all dakka army just for the lulz. :P 

But if you're facing an army which doesn't have much heavy hitters, then you could max out your choppy stuff! We'z wont have much problems going melee with IG humies, Panzee Eldars, Dark Panzees, or Tau Fish'eads.

Orks have to live by this rule now (got this from the-waaagh forums):  

Update on Warhammer 40k Online : Dark Millenium

*UPDATE* from E3!

There are more information taken from interviews from the game developers, and here are the juicy bits to take note of :

  1. The game engine is based on the Darksiders game engine with modifications.
  2. THQ is working very closely with Games Workshop in regards to the game, so they are not freelancing and going off on their own. Everything is with cooperation and approval from GW. Pretty much anything that gets added into the 40k universe in Dark Millenium will get added to the canon, part of the war, and will receive the blessing of Games Workshop. I sure hope there are interesting characters/new Ork classes made into miniatures (and vice versa)!
  3. The game is confirmed to still be in pre-Alpha and is mentioned to be more action oriented than a 'traditional' MMO, especially with the gun-based/ranged gameplay elements.
  4. Eldars are not shown in the trailer but Joe Madureira, Creative Director of THQ has confirmed in an interview here that the panzee Eldars are indeed going to be in the game. Playable or not, is unconfirmed. But in another interview from the game developers where an interviewer ask about Eldar in the game, they laughs about it and mentioned that "You won't be dissapointed". Madureira also mentioned that the Ultramarines chapter is also in the game (also backed up by the concept art images below). To be specific, you could check out the video time from 0.35 - 0.40 seconds about the information above. :)
I've also included more concept arts from the Game Designers (kotaku) : 

The Ork Fighta is probably a playable vehicle in the is a beakie Rhino. I'z hope da Orks can loot their Rhinos/Leman Russes/Predators and make it ourz for da taking! :D

    Spread da Waaagh further in the digital world!

    THQ's take over at the Warhammer franchise so far is a very successful one. Starting from Dawn of War and its Dawn of War 2 and Chaos Rising. Blood Bowl is a good alternative Ork game too. Warhammer Online was pretty good and so is Mark of Chaos and its expansion Battle March. The Space Marines shooter game and of course Dark Millenium is in the making. The movie Ultramarines will surely raise some eyes and introduce the franchise to the world. We're gathering momentum here!

    Orks kicking humiez' butt in football = priceless

    If you really do support the franchise, go to 28th Annual Golden Joystick Award and support Dawn of War 2 : Chaos Rising and Blood Bowl now! They are nominated to the Best Strategy Game of the Year and Best Sport Game of the Year respectively. Spread the waaagh around the world and surely...there will be more Ork and Orc (and Goblins) players around! :D Banner Exchange



    July 28s, 2010
    * Added articles and rearranging the Ork Tactica page.
    July 27, 2010
    * Added article to the Ork Tactica page.
    * Added new link to the Orky Linkz page.
    July 13, 2010
    * Added new stuff to the Waaagh Resources page.
    * Added new links to Orky Links page.
    July 6, 2010
    * Added article to the Ork Tactica page.


    The Orky Fort © 2010 all rights reserved. This web site is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited, THQ, or Vigil Games. Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos devices, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k Device, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

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