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Introducing Ramshackle Games, a Independant model and game shop which has rugged vehicles and parts, suitable for the Orks! Check out their website and online store. Here are some samples of some Orkified vehicles...


OAny new or old Ork players should look for Master Ein for Ork inspiration. His blog at shows his very detailed and good looking Ork units. Just check out some of his marvellous work!


"A couple of things going on here soon in the life of the waaagh. First up is Baltimore Games Day! We need some good solid boyz to show up and put on a good thumpin' to the beakie boyz over at the Bolter and Chainsword. If you are going to games day, you do not want to miss this WAAAGH!"


Most of us paint our Orks and wat not in your favourite klan colors. But what if we had multiple klans in your waaagh?


Holy crap, seems like ForgeWorld likes Orks! They never release enough of 'em, which is good fer us!

Ramshackle Games : A Kustom Shop made for Orky Vehicles!

Posted On 1:47 PM by Warboss Kazdakka Facebeater 7 comments

Introducing Ramshackle Games, a Independant model and game shop which has rugged vehicles and parts, suitable for the Orks! Check out their website and online store. Here are some samples of some Orkified vehicles using the parts from their shops :

All his stuff are resin casted, which is better than metal for modelling purposes. You can also buy mis-casts from the owner (resin casts that are not perfect), seperate vehicle parts, and bike bases for cheap.

He also has Orcs , goblins and Giants for use of Warhammer Fantasy :

Check them out now! There are loads more stuff on their website, and maybe you can find some ideas of making your own Ork vehicle/armor/wat not. Its nice to save up some pennies (GW please stop the price increase...!) and convert some Orky vehicles on your own. And don't worry, he accepts International orders. :)

Lots of cool looking Orks @ The

Posted On 12:11 PM by Warboss Kazdakka Facebeater 0 comments

Any new or old Ork players should look for Master Ein for Ork inspiration. His blog at shows his very detailed and good looking Ork units. Just check out some of his marvellous work!

 Awesome all round paint and modelling skills. Plus, he's one of the rare Ork Meks that even try LED'ing his models! Just check out the lighted eye in his Killa Kanz and Stompa. Most of his minis have been submitted to and been getting good support there. He even created a playable rule for his Warboss Gargrim here. He's the equivalent of the Ultramarines' Marneus Calgar, with his dual shootin' Power Fists.... >:D

Any Ork players should save pictures of his work into computer, cause it's that damn cool.


Posted On 4:10 PM by Warboss Kazdakka Facebeater 0 comments

Got this message from mods, and thought it would be nice to help them propagate the announcement  :
"A couple of things going on here soon in the life of the waaagh. First up is Baltimore Games Day!  We need some good solid boyz to show up and put on a good thumpin' to the beakie boyz over at the Bolter and Chainsword.  If you are going to games day, you do not want to miss this WAAAGH!"


When: Start between 6:30 – 7:00 after Games Day
Where: Battle Bunker at Glen Burnie, MD.
What: Members from Da Waaagh and The Bolter And Chainsword will have a friendly mega battle game. We will take up money and order pizza and get it delivered to the store.


  1. Each person must bring 500 points of painted models. If you live closer and don’t mind, please bring more so that we can ensure sides have equal points. Suggestion is to make army lists in 500 point increments.
  2. Models must be painted to 3 colors standard and must be based.
  3. Army lists must be in the following guidelines:

    • You must have one troops choice.
    • Other than troops, all other force org slots are 0-1. You do not have to have an HQ.
    • No special characters are allowed.
    • Models can have more than 2 wounds, but their wound characteristic is reduced to 2.
    • Models can have a save better than 3+, but it is reduced to a 3+.
    • No vehicles with a total Armour Value greater than 33, except dreadnoughts (not including ironclad or venerable) and deff dreads. This is calculated by adding the front, side, and rear armour numbers.
    • No Ordnance weapons
    • Imperial Armour lists and vehicles can be used, but must adhere to the above rules.

Prizes: Bragging rights and a trophy/plaque to the winning side! There will also be some individual awards as well.

Scenario: TBD, but will most likely involve capturing objectives and killing lots of things!

Original source from the-waaagh here. Anybody interested to show them beakie boyz our choppa/klaw ends? Or at least prepare a good army list to help them boyz cave some marinez head in? Its gonna be fun to pit the best in both forums togetha!

Inspirational multiple Ork Waaagh Klans

Posted On 5:38 PM by Warboss Kazdakka Facebeater 3 comments

Most of us paint our Orks and wat not in your favourite klan colors. But what if we had multiple klans in your waaagh? Warboss Tae from forums just showed us how cool is his army! His army consists of Orks from all da klans roll into one. Very colorful I should say. 

Here is what he have to say about his painting scheme :

Hey Warboss Tae here with my first ever 40k army.

Fluff-wise, it's a freebootin', world-hoppin', fungus-beer-drinkin' mob of orks that have left their separate clans to join Azbag da Stomper'er's space-farin' Waaagh!

I like painting all of the different clans and thought, "Why bog myself down with one of the six clans, when I can paint stuff from each one?" Hence, the freebooter theme.

Also, I thought, why just have squads of each clan (a squad of Deathskull lootaz, a squad of Evil Sunz bikerz) when I can mix em all up? So, my solution was to create the following table and roll a D6 for each model in the unit, to decide what clan the model originally came from, then paint it accordingly. It's kept it fun and kept me interested in continuing to find new and interesting ways to convert and paint the models once I knew where they came from.  

Go check more pictures from the original post here! And here are some samples :

Check out the Grotz looting Imperial Guardmen's gunz and uniforms, da Kool Deffskull Klown, and the "Assashun's Kreed" Deffwing Mega Nobz. It will be much more awesome if he completed his army with Pirate Orks! Or maybe Ninja Orks? This guy inspired me to paint multiple klans in my Waaagh for da perfect harmony! What'cha guys think? Big Waaagh makes Orks happy! >:D

ForgeWorld : Ork Kommandoes conversion set!

Posted On 10:39 AM by Warboss Kazdakka Facebeater 0 comments

Holy crap, seems like ForgeWorld likes Orks! They never release enough of 'em, which is good fer us!

ForgeWorld says it is ready for pre-order now for release in the week commencing July 26th. Here are the new Ork Kommando Conversion set from them :

Description from the ForgeWorld website :-
Kommandoz often make use of ‘Chinork’ Warkoptas to launch the Orky equivalent of an Imperial stealth raid. In these raids, dozens of Orks cling to the sides of these huge war machines before leaping onto the heads of their hapless enemy and directly into battle.
This resin conversion set designed by Mark Bedford is available to pre-order now for release in the week commencing July 26th.

Since this is a conversion set, this means that you need parts from da Ork Boyz box set. From the look of the pictures, this set includes resin parts of :

5 x Kommando heads and backpacks w/ tankbusta bombs and gubbins
1 x Kommando Nob head with a custom torso, arms w/ Big Choppa, Bosspole and a backpack w/ tankbusta bombs and gubbins. 

So you'll probably need  5 x slugga and choppa arms, Ork boy torsos and 6 x legs to make da kommandoes. Most of you probably have extra slugga and choppa arms lying around and da Ork boyz torsos and legs can be easily bought from bits shop online or ebay. Plus, I'm sure the Assault On Black Reach Ork boyz parts can be used with this conversion set as well! Maybe a lil' bit cutting and modelling will make them look as good as the regular Ork boy version, as mentioned in my previous post here

I guess its a much better bargain for £15.00 / ~USD22.95 (5 Kommandoes,1 Kommando Nob) compared to the metal GW's one (4 Kommandoes, 1 Kommando Nob) which retails at £22.50 / USD37.85 (~£20.00 or USD31.89 with discount from other stores). The only difference is that the GW's Kommando Nob looks cooler with the Power Klaw, a grot and a cigar.

With the price difference of ~£7.00 / USD9.00 and one extra Kommando, I'd rather get this over the GW one. Buying the extra bits won't cost that much anyways. Plus with the Gas masks and Night Vision goggles, they seemed more suited to run with GW's Snikrot model, which also has similar type of goggles :

GW should stop making metal Ork elites like Tankbustas and Kommandos altogether since they cost so much, and its a nightmare to convert and model metal figures. HQ's maybe OK to be metal to distinguish themselves as important units...but heck, I prefer all of them to be plastic. See how many Ork players kustomize their AOBR plastic Warboss, Deffkopta and Nobz to their imagination. All plastic Ork releases in the future please! Ork players usually like to konvert and remodel their stuff, and by making them plastic I'm very sure the sales figure of those sets will go up too.

Wanna go pre-order your FW Kommando today? :P Banner Exchange



July 28s, 2010
* Added articles and rearranging the Ork Tactica page.
July 27, 2010
* Added article to the Ork Tactica page.
* Added new link to the Orky Linkz page.
July 13, 2010
* Added new stuff to the Waaagh Resources page.
* Added new links to Orky Links page.
July 6, 2010
* Added article to the Ork Tactica page.


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